Associations Of Ill Repute #207

It Is Said That You Are The Sum Total Of The Five People You Keep Associations with Most. These associations matter. They matter when you want to be a better person and they matter when you find yourself in the gutter. Look around you and see who you spend your time with and see how…

Contradictory Gratitude #204.

Gratitude with an Asterisks, Most of Us Are Doing It All Wrong. There is an oversight to gratitude that we often go without seeing and that is our living contradictions to that of which we are grateful for. If you say I’m grateful for water, it’s a nourishment to life, it keeps me alive and…

Divorce (Blowing It Scenario #120).

Divorce Is One Of The Biggest Life And Relationship Lessons One Can Receive. Don’t Waste It. Divorce was never even in my conscious realm. I thought I did everything right. Never cheated, Never used drugs, Never uttered bad name towards the other, only built up each other, Went to bed every night together, every evening…