A Second Boeing 737-Max 8 Plane Has Crashed, Killing All On Board. It Seems Highly Likely It’s The Same Scenario As The First Crash.
Yet, the brand new Boeing 737-Max 8 has two to it’s name in so many months. And from the sound of it it might be the exact same problem that took the first plane down, happened to the second. It’s a bit scary when it’s not strictly operator error we have to worry about. The human element of aviation has been quite efficiently tuned to correct mistakes. But what happens when it’s a mechanical malfunction on a brand new plane that effectively forces the plane into a crash? Human correction might not have the tools to counter the effects of a doomed machine.

What Should They Do With This Plane?
If I’m Boeing I would pull ever single one of the new jets out of service, have my very best engineers work out the problems, correct every single jet, change the name of the new corrected jet. For me if I see 737-max 8 painted on the side of a jet I’m flying on, I’m reluctant to board that flight.
Boeing Created This New Efficient, Albeit Problematic Plane.
This is a Boeing problem and that is highly concerning because they haven’t much competition when it comes to manufacturing aircrafts. The purchaser of the planes can’t simply go elsewhere for a better model. They have to hope and trust that the plane they bought. The one that left the factory brand new, that new plane is going to be in good working order when they start flying passengers all over the world. And if it isn’t, it should never leave the factory. If it’s not in perfect working condition, don’t ship. Many more test need to be done, this plane is not air ready. All planes should be grounded until further repair. However Boeing wouldn’t be a 100 plus year company if it didn’t correct it’s failures. This failure will most likely make aviation even safer in the end.
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