Not Legalizing Psychedelic Drugs Already. Avoiding Blowing It #240

It High Time We Legalize This Beneficial Treatment Of Psychedelic Drugs. Get High Time? I’ve never tried it myself but nearly a hundred years of research has proven time and again how beneficial psychedelic drugs can have upon the mind body and spirit. That research may even go back thousands of years when native cultures…

Deep Fakes. Avoiding Blowing It #239.

Soon The Internet Will Be Fully Awash In Deep Fakes And Even Deeper Lies. That We Won’t Be Able To Believe Anything That Comes From It. Imagine a day where you might be a world famous actor or actress having never acted a day in your life. You might just cheaply sell your likeness to…

Hiding Our Flaws. Avoiding Blowing It #238.

Say It, Show It, Love It. Never Hide From Your Flaws. They Make You Uniquely You. Trying to be perfect all the time is an unnecessary stress that causes anxiety. It’s a mental health issue. How wonderful would it be if we were all a little more excepting of ourselves, flaws and all? If you…

Not Putting Your Best Foot Forward. Avoiding Failure #237.

If You’re Going To Do Something Take Pride In That Effort And Put Your Best Foot Forward. Over the weekend there was a heavyweight championship fight. It was a rematch of two fighters that had fought before. And in that first fight the heavy favorite was upset by the major underdog. Naturally there would be…

Over Catering To Consumers. Avoiding Failure #236.

The Customer Is Not Always Right. And We Need To Stop Over Catering To Consumers. For All Our Long Term Benefit. When you have the Walmart’s and Amazon’s and The Uber’s and Lyft’s of this world over catering to consumers. It creates a distorted understanding of the true cost it takes to get products or…

Not Taking Into Account Everyone Is Different. Avoiding Failure #235

Everyone Is Different In So Many Ways We Need To Avoid The One Size Fits All Solutions. Everyone is different. Different mental wiring, different body compositions, complexions, biome, genetic make up. No two people are exactly alike. So why do we try to solve problems like everyone is the same? Self Help The self help…

Justifiable Inaction. Avoiding Failure #234

A Lack Of Actions Assisted By Excuses. Avoid Justifiable Inaction. Essentially it’s just us making excuses to not do something. Absence of action can never truly be justified. Accountability will override justifiable inaction every time. Easy is making excuses not to do something. I could not for the life of me find anything to write…

Elevated Stress Levels. Avoiding Failure #233.

When Tempers Increase And Stress Levels Rise. That’s The Time To Become The Calm. Decrease And Defuse Rather Than Elevate With It. Breathe deep for this will being a trying exercise of patience. But breath work can be the strongest weapon against the rise of stress. Sometimes the hardest thing in a escalated field of…

Passive Action. Avoiding Failure #231.

People Want Passive Income, But Income Takes Action To Generate. And Passive Action Is An Oxymoron. Two words that fundamentally do not go together are passive action. Some things definitely take more action than others. But no matter what you do you have to put in work consistently. While there are definitely examples of work…