For The Price Of A Used Vehicle You Can Own A Peloton Stationary Bicycle. Never did I think I would see the day where someone would attach a tablet to a stationary bike then charge to watch Youtube bicycle training videos. But here we are. And the total cost for such an apparatus. Anywhere between…
Month: September 2019
Employers Dictating What You Do Outside Of Work. #222
Employers Don’t Own Us. So What We Do Outside Of Work Should Have No Bearing On Our Employment. Yet a lot of employers like to treat you as if they own you. And a lot of industries set up rules as if they own you. Not only for the time that you put in at…
Performance Anxiety #221
Some People Are More Self Conscious Than Others And Deal With An Unrelenting Inner Voice. Which Creates A Mental Struggle Empowering Performance Anxiety. This can happen in any setting. Public speaking, sexually, conversationally. It happens in sports all the time. Performance anxiety is more about the discomfort of the situation and the pressure put on…
Labeling Narcissist #220
If You Place A Narcissist Label Upon Another. Know That It Makes You A Narcissist Yourself. Why do you label them a narcissist in the first place? Is it because you are not having “your” needs met? That they pay more attention to themselves then to you? Why do you care about what others do…
Destroying Your Reputation #219.
Reputation Takes A Lifetime To Build But Only Seconds To Destroy. This has to be one of the most unfair statement in history. Work your whole life for something as important as one’s own reputation. Only to make one false move and it’s gone. Is this more of a preamble to the fact we are…
Waiting Until End Of Life For Retirement #218.
We Never Know What The Future Holds. That’s Why We Should Enjoy Retirement Consistently Throughout Life. In speaking with a hospice therapist the other day. He spoke of a couple that was just weeks away from 65 years of age and full retirement. They had planned a luxury cruise that they had always dreamed of….