Defeatist Questions #201.

What Does Someone Do Who Doesn’t Want To See You Succeed But Doesn’t Want To Be Obvious About It? Why they ask you a defeatist line of questioning of course. Trying to get in shape and lose weight. Someone might say to you, “are you sure you’re not losing too much weight too fast?” Start…

Not Journaling #200.

We All Go Through Pain, Trauma, Anxiousness, Failure, Set Backs. And For Most Of Us The Answer Is to Bottle It. Journaling Can Help. But what if there was a way to relieve all those emotions, fears and worries? Lucky for you there is a scientifically proven strategy to help and it’s right here in…

All Things Are Conditional, Nothing Is Truly Unconditional #199

If You Believe Something Is Unconditional It’s Because You’ve Adapted To The Condition You’re In. Change it and I assure you many emotions will diametrically rearrange. It might not feel so unconditional after all. Yes, we all love family unconditionally and I would argue that family is a condition we were born into. But have…

Buying Into Meat Alternatives Hype #198.

Meat Alternatives May Be Better For The Environment, And They May be Better For Your Health. But What If They’re Not? Beyond Meats the meat alternative brand’s stock has risen over 500% since going public and it continues to grow as more and more food supplier purchase their goods. Beyond Meat is a non animal…

The Selfish Act Of Having Children #197.

Unless You Truly Believe That The Children You Have Will Save The World. Or Cure an Incurable Disease. And You Do Everything In Your Power To Guide Them To That. Otherwise the children you have created was from a self-centered focus. I know this may be a difficult pill to swallow. No one wants to…

Inattentional Blindness Also Known As Perceptual Blindness #195.

It is where an individual fails to perceive an unexpected stimulus in plain sight. When it becomes impossible to attend to all the stimuli in a given situation, a temporary “blindness” effect can occur. It looks as though cognitive biases seem to not allow us to perceive fact, when it’s too incomprehensible to conceive. Recently…