Blowing It Scenario #97-Casting Judgments.

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged. Or as the legend Bob Marley sings, “judge not, before you judge yourself.” So how can someone who writes judgments on all areas of life consider judging a failure. Well it’s quite simple these are simply opinions I hold, open for all interpretation and open to be judged. If…

Blowing It Scenario #96-Not Choosing Your Life.

Everything We Do In Life Should Be Our Choice, Set The Bar High And Don’t Let Others Dictate It For You. Recently someone very near and dear to my heart told me, “I don’t need you, I will never need you, but I will always choose you.” And I thought, what a profound sentiment and…

Blowing It Scenario #95-Blaming Others.

Blaming Others For Your Problems, Is The Crutch For The Insecure. You could be dooming yourself to be forever hopelessly helpless, if you never take accountability for your own actions. Take ownership of your faults just as much as your successes. Blaming others is a powerful crutch, you can place the full weight of all…

Blowing It Scenario #94-Living In The Past.

Live In The Now. The past is the past leave it where you found it. For it no longer has any bearings on today. The things you did or what others have done, should not matter on what today’s outcome may be. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use your past to learn and grow…

Blowing It Scenario #93-Your Sunscreen May Be Destroying Coral Reefs.

Sunscreen Kills Coral Reefs. Hawaii recently became the first state to ban certain sunscreen. Specifically ones that use oxybenzone (BP-3) or octinoxate. Two products known to be in over 3,500 skin care products. Honestly it’s quite the surprise they’re just now figuring this out. For years we have lathered up our skin with a high quality…

Blowing It Scenario #92-Believing Arguments Are Healthy For A Relationship.

Arguments Are Simply Two Wills Unrelenting. Communication is key. And not some failed attempt to communicate through sheer force of will. An argument is an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. Yet, I’ve heard this statement a thousand times. People will say, “it’s healthy to argue in a relationship, you…

Blowing It Scenario #91-Failing To Utilize Failures.

Some Say The Definition Of Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again And Expecting Different Results. Each rendition is a new failure and each time we repeat that same failure, we step a little closer to insanity. The sane thing to do would be to take a step back, reassess the problem…

Blowing It Scenario #89-Is The Free Market Really Free.

Businesses Claim To Want A Free Market But When It Infringes On Their Own Profits. They Will Get The Government To Shut Others Down And Imprison. The Antithesis Of Free. This is what happened when an incredibly talented innovator came head to head with the Microsoft juggernaut. Eric Lundgren an e-waste inventor who has built…

Blowing It Scenario #88-Using Atrocities As A Catalyst For Anger.

Don’t Let What Happens To Another Negatively Effect The Way You Treat Individuals. All to often we’ll hear in the news about something negative that recently happened. Excessive police force, mass shootings, racial violence, racial profiling. These are all terrible actions and should be abolished from the general psyche but they do happen. And we’ll…