A Failure To Budget And Properly Value An Items Worth. Is it a want or a need? A question I consistently ask myself when making a new purchase. A question I recommend you ask yourself before any major life decision. I have always been very good at saving. And to properly save, it helps to…
Month: March 2018
Blowing It Scenario #49-NFL Players Negotiating Their Own Contracts.
A Failure To Recognize And Value Their Worth To the Fullest Potential. Their are two sides to this equation. One side is with the player. It’s noble that they have taken full ownership of their body and their business. They have shirked the middle man agent and produced results on their own terms. It’s a…
Blowing It Scenario #48-Drugs-The Catalyst Of Many Failures.
So Many Failures In Life Can Be Linked To Drug Use. Yet So Many Dive Right In Fully Knowing The Harm They Could Be Inflicting. An article came out recently about a young 21 year old girl who gouged her own eyes out while on meth. The sad thing is this most likely saved her…
Blowing It Scenario #47-Profits Over People, A Failure Of Compassion Displayed By Martin Shkreli
Martin Shkreli Sentencing For Fraud Is This Week But His Actions In The Pharmaceutical Industry Echo a Far More Troubling Failure. One That Has Yet To Be Fully Corrected. Profits over people. All to often these actions take place behind closed doors in board rooms and through creative accounting practices. Never to be seen is…
Blowing It Scenario #46-Daylight Saving Time.
Can We Just Be Done Already With Changing The Clock Twice A Year. What a cruel joke we have played on us twice a year. Spring forward and Fall back as the saying goes. Spring forward happens over this upcoming weekend. And oh what glory we get to look forward to Monday morning when we…
Blowing It Scenario #45-Supreme Court Ruling Of Citizen United Is Basically Equal to Russian Meddling In Our Elections
President Said He Would Crack Down On Russian Meddling In U.S. Elections He Should Start With Over Turning Citizens United. I love this constant talk about Russian Meddling in our elections. I think it’s absolutely hilarious how the media paints a picture of some other country messed up our elections process and now is at…
Blowing It Scenario #44-United Airlines Replacing It’s Performance Based Bonus With A Lottery
Now You Can Work Your Butt Off And Hope To Get Lucky. This is so indicative of our economy and state of employment. Performance pay based on luck. United is essentially saying we don’t want to pay you for working hard, but we’re going to incentivize you with the idea that if you do work…
Blowing It Scenario #43-Trade Wars Are Here, Brace Yourself.
President Trump Wants To Raise Tariffs On Imported Steel And Aluminium. This could very well set off a trade war with the rest of the world. I really don’t know how to feel about this. Both sides have a great argument. If we truly are losing billions in trade then it does make good business…
Blowing It Scenario #42-Teacher Barricades Himself In Classroom And Fires Gun.
After All The Talk About Arming Teachers In the Wake Of The Florida School Shooting One Teacher Took It On Himself To Begin The Process Early. Now this is a terrible action and luckily no one was injured except the teachers reputation. From the sounds of it the teacher was a bit unstable in spite…